Gift Planning
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Gift Planning

Leave A Legacy For The Generations To Come!

If you have been blessed by Emeka Nwokolo Ministries and would like to sow into the ministry to proclaim the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world and to future generations, we’d love to share with you about our free charitable estate and gift planning services.

There are a number of ways to be a part of sharing the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ with generations of believers, and at the same time establish a legacy of changed lives that will continue to impact the world for Christ in the years to come.

Wills & Bequests

A will ensures that your wishes for the resources you leave behind are known and carried out. When you include the ministry in your will, your gift is entirely tax-free, reducing the estate taxes your heirs will have to pay.

Living Trusts

There are times when a simple will is not enough. A revocable living trust provides flexibility, privacy, and can be created to achieve your unique planning goals. A living trust also allows your heirs to avoid the hassles of probate and to distribute your assets quickly.

Charitable Trusts

Charitable trusts can be structured to provide a long-term gift to the ministry while giving your family income for life or over a number of years. They can also be set up to provide income to our ministry for a period of time, and then to return the remaining value of the trust to your family.

Retirement Accounts

Because these funds grow tax-free over time, taxes are due whenever there is a distribution or withdrawal. A simple way to avoid these taxes is to make a gift from your retirement account to a charitable organization which is tax exempt. This keeps your heirs from having to pay taxes on the entire Individual Retirement Account or IRA.

Life Insurance

Many people purchase life insurance policies for specific purposes when they are younger. As your life circumstances change, you may find you no longer need the policy. In that case, gifting the policy to a ministry may be a good planning option, allowing you to take a charitable deduction equal to the cash value of the policy (or the replacement cost if the policy is paid up). The ministry would have the option to cash in the policy to fund current ministry needs, or to hold on to it to receive future benefits.


These are some of the most effective planning options available to help you leave a legacy for the generations to come. If the Lord has placed on your heart to consider one or more of the above, or if you would simply like more information about estate planning or gift planning options, our team of experienced advisors is available to help you.

We look forward to hearing from you and coming together with you to create a legacy! Please contact our gift planning team at or fill out the form below.