Mission Initiatives
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Mission Initiatives

Be A Blessing To Those In Need

Our partners’ generosity and faithful prayers allow us to preach the gospel and share the love of Christ in practical ways through our ongoing mission initiatives:

Combating Poverty

We help children in poor communities break out of poverty through education and the provision of basic necessities such as nutritious meals, clothing, and school supplies. We also work with our partners to provide health checks and basic medical treatment to disadvantaged people living in slums and remote villages.


Millions of people worldwide especially in Nigeria have been either killed or displaced from their homes and subjected to IDP camps under this evil modern-day form of insecurity. We support processes that lead to less insecurity, and partner with organizations individuals and to:


  • Raise awareness of insecurity tactics, and of how to transform people behind insecurity.
  • Provide hotlines which victims or witnesses of insecurity can call to seek help.
  • Rescue and rehabilitate victims through medical treatment, counselling, and job skills training


We minister as first responder in disaster-hit areas within Nigeria to provide emergency supplies like drinking water, food rations, and blankets, as well as temporary shelters.


We also partner with religious and non-religious organisations, both local and international who are seeking for credible first responder ministry partners within Nigeria to enable them minister the love of Christ to these affected communities, and to provide them with the means to resume their livelihoods.


We share the gospel of Jesus Christ and pray for people living in unchurched and churched areas through evangelistic events. We also minister to the people during our medical missions and home visits, where we deliver daily essentials like rice, salt, sugar, oil, etc.


In addition, we run youth’s homes to provide food, accommodation, practical self-employable skills acquisition training, fun-filled worship-and-Word camps and Bible studies for less privileged, abused and abandoned youths who are causing insecurity or who could be used to cause insecurity in the society.


Finally, we provide local churches with visual, audio and print resources that will inspire, educate and equip them to think better, pray better, live a Godly wealthy life and make heaven.


As our partner, missions is just one avenue where your giving makes a difference. More than that, your support also makes it possible for us to take the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ into homes worldwide. Every week, we receive testimonies of precious lives being radically transformed and restored as a result of hearing the gospel of Christ preached.


Thank you for being part of this! Together, we’re making a difference, 100% Jesus, one life at a time.